Aggression and anxiety manifest in many forms, and in most cases, it goes undetected and operates at subconscious levels; but it can have devastating and long-lasting negative implications that affect the success of your organization. Aggression, which can range from subconscious biases to fully conscious acts verbal (and even...
Tag Archive for: Performance
1/12th Of This Year Is History
January is over. In less than two weeks one half of the 1st quarter of 2018 will be history. What are you doing today to create a monumental year? In many businesses, 1st quarter performance dictates how the entire year is going to perform. A small deviation and deflection...
Eliminate Stress through Leadership

– How’s your stress level? – What’s causing your stress? – Are you a victim of stress? Or, – Are you coping and barely surviving with it? Or, are you – Hoping for a miracle, or someone to make it stop, maybe praying for a lottery win?! This isn’t...
Level 5 Leadership
Level 5 leadership is a combination of humility and fierce resolve. Jim Collins (2001) identifies three primary factors for being a great company (and as I suggest, this can be expanded to include creating great relationships, great communities, and living to your greatest potential): – Disciplined people, – Disciplined...
Perfect Action…makes Perfect Fate!
We’ve all heard the saying, “Practice makes Perfect”, however in reality, this is far from a truism. Consider… “Perfect Practice makes Perfect” This has a much higher degree of certainty. Taking action is similar, as it is perfect actions that move you closer to your goal, and less than...
Can You Limit Your Sleep and Sitting to Just 23½ Hours a Day?
OK, let’s look at the above question again, “can you limit your sleep and sitting to just 23½ hours per day?” What?!?! Who sleeps and sits around for 23½ hours a day? This very important video will help us put this question into the correct context. My Gift to...