Performance Solutions

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Achieve optimal performance in business and in life. WTHG executive coaching facilitates the creation of powerful Level-5 leaders who achieve personal and professional mastery. Add newfound bench strength in your corner with proven coaching systems that ensure your personal and professional paths are in alignment.
Our unique approach to executive leadership development will help you understand what’s truly important and give you the tools to identify and correct hard to see patterns of behaviour that could be undermining your success and preventing fulfillment.
Designed to meet the specific needs of executives­­, our systems work with your unique schedule and can be delivered in-person or through online distance formats.

+ Explore, embrace and action the unique Level-5 Leadership attributes that increase capacity for professional will and the personal humility that will engage and enroll others

+ Ability to get crystal clear on the ‘why’ and to champion a focused intention on what’s important with a clear understanding and the clear language of vision and purpose with passion

+ Identification and increased awareness of one’s emotional intelligence and mindfulness skills, and the steps to achieve and foster personal success in self and others – leading from the head and the heart

+ Capacity to create and cause leadership in others and the ability to ‘lead’ leaders to ensure scalability and sustainability both internally and with external stakeholders

Business Consulting

Business Consulting

We help businesses outrival current benchmarks and achieve sustainable success not only in the short term, but also for that rewarding long run. Through strategic consulting, coaching and mentoring, our clients realize powerful benefits of engagement at all levels of the organization using methods that enable executives and core functional teams to create organizations equipped with the knowledge, the performance resources, and the agility to become leaders in their industry.
Our process can include strategic and performance audits, capacity assessments for individuals and teams, facilitating self-leadership development, conducting in-depth business system reviews, setting strategic pathways for successful launch and strategic execution, and developing and implementing scalability and growth plans. Simply put, we creating the winning conditions for breakthrough improvement by building high performing individuals, teams, and whole organizations. WTHG performance consulting is directly tied to specific, measurable business objectives and deliverables, creating a clear line of accountability for your company’s success.

+ Know and fully leverage the best abilities of every team member to create value

+ Drastically reduce and eliminate the need to ‘manage’ with the creation of clear, accountable, self-leading colleagues

+ Increased competitive advantage, and an organization that is first to act to achieve its strategic vision, mission, while living its values 

+ Create relationship, culture, and community that attracts and retains high performing values based people and partners

Performance Assessments

Performance Audits

Comprehensive and customized human and business performance audits utilize a variety of tools, from industry-valued character assessment methods, to proven WTHG-developed protocols targeting Level 5 Leadership development and tangible results. By starting with a reality based situational assessment, we’re able to architect the most effective improvement road map with a clear and compelling context, complete with correct strategic language, targeted performance tactics, and the key resources to achieve performance success.

+ Uncover areas where capabilities are constrained or not realized in people and business systems, and establish opportunities for performance leveraging and resource balancing

+ Create accountability, self-leadership, and a values driven ‘people-first’ organization

+ Audit and measure the integrity of an organization’s core values, and identify the specific actions to have the values exemplified, instead of a declaration without integrity

+ Transform conflict into innovative solutions while increasing organizational relationship intelligence

+ Provide an incubator-learning environment for capacity building and leadership development

Life Strategies

Personal coaching helps pave the way and facilitate clarity of purpose and passion. Our Life Strategy is the core foundational context that drives everything we do, through the lens of our primary goals and values.
Our 1-on-1 process will provide you with a targeted line of site that will inform your disciplined thought, your disciplined choice, and your disciplined actions into disciplined habits. Simplifying your life within a complex and ever changing environment, that will place you firmly on the road to mastery.

+ Beware of any professional person that wants to be the very best they can be who doesn’t have a coach

+ The ability to ask for help is one of the single most important ingredients for success

+ Breakthroughs in personal performance happen when you’re challenged through effective coaching 

+ Know, at a granular level, your strengths and weaknesses 

+ Learn how to leverage and optimize your true and authentic capacity to be your greatest self

Where the Head Goes produces meaningful performance results.
Contact us for a consultation.





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